Congratulations to Dr. Eunbi Park, who successfully defended her PhD in Bioinformatics on 4/17. Eunbi has been an integral member of the NSF-Simons Southeast Center for Mathematics & Biology, and has collaborated with mathematicians throughout her graduate career on developing new tools for analyzing organization and patterning of stem cells. Yay Eunbi!!
Andre’s defense
Adding to our rapid succession of graduates, Dr. Dennis Norfleet II, known as “Dre” by many, defended his Bioengineering PhD dissertation on April 18th. Andre was the last trainee in the lab to participate in the NSF Science and Technology Center EBICS, and has contributed to our computational efforts with seed funding from the Marcus Center and with the NSF Cell Manufacturing Technologies Engineering Research Center. Congratulations, Andre!
Dr. Andy Raddatz!
Congrats to Andy for successfully defending his Ph.D. on April 5th! Andy was a key contributor to our NCI-funded efforts and also was a CTEng T32 fellow during his graduate career. We lose our social media guru with his departure! Congratulations on this milestone!
Dan’s PhD Defense and IBB Holiday Party
Congratulations to Dr. Dan Zhang for successfully defending his thesis, “Informing Precision Medicine Through Data-driven Modeling of Patient-Specific Therapeutic Responses in Microfluidic-based Assays”! He will be will be starting a postdoc next year at Tufts University School of Medicine. The lab also had a fantastic time celebrating another great year at the IBB holiday party afterwards!

Arina’s PhD Defense!
Arina did an amazing job defending her dissertation today, entitled: “Computational analysis methodologies for evaluating metabolism changes in iPSCs undergoing differentiation”! Congratulations Dr. Nikitina! We know you’ll do amazing things during your postdoc at UC Santa Barbara.

Josh Lewis successfully defends thesis
A huge congratulations to Josh Lewis for successfully defending his PhD thesis today! His thesis is titled “Genome-scale modeling of redox metabolism and therapeutic response in radiation-resistant tumors”. Awesome work Dr. Lewis, and we wish him the best of success as he prepares to return to medical school!
Linda Kippner successfully defends her Ph.D. in biomedical engineering with the thesis titled “Investigating the functional consequences of heterogeneity within immune cell populations”. Linda has served as a mentor, instructor, consultant, and lab mom for many students that have passed through the group and will be irreplacable. Congratulations, Linda!