Congratulations to Dr. Dan Zhang for successfully defending his thesis, “Informing Precision Medicine Through Data-driven Modeling of Patient-Specific Therapeutic Responses in Microfluidic-based Assays”! He will be will be starting a postdoc next year at Tufts University School of Medicine. The lab also had a fantastic time celebrating another great year at the IBB holiday party afterwards!
Sarah Seals has been named one of 8 Georgia Tech Sloan Graduate Fellows for 2017 based upon her academic and research record! Sarah will receive a stipend bonus and professional development funds for the next 3 years (thus the remainder) of her PhD! Congratulations on this honor!
Melissa is a guest on the WREK 91.1 radio station show “Inside the Black Box”, describing the lab’s research to the metro Atlanta listeners.
Joshua Lewis received a Young Investigator travel award to attend the Society for Redox Biology & Medicine annual meeting. In addition, his abstract “Genome-scale modeling of NADPH metabolism in radiation-resistant head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients” was selected for an oral presentation. Way to go, Josh!
Our collaborative project with co-PIs Cristina Furdui (Wake-Forest) and Dave Boothman (UTSW) has been awarded a 5 year U01 from NCI to develop predictive models of chemotherapeutic responses in head and neck cancer.
Match day! Andre Norfleet and Andy Raddatz are joining the lab as 1st year BioE and BME PhD students.
The Kemp lab is thrilled to be participating in the new NSF-sponsored Engineering Research Center on Cellular Manufacturing and Technologies (CMaT). This $20 million award brings together researchers to solve challenges in characterizing, modeling, monitoring, and distriubting materials needed to expand cell-based therapies. Melissa will be co-leader of Thrust 1, dedicated to integration of heterogeneous Omics data for identification of relevant biomarkers for critical quality attributes.
Sarah, Chad, Jakari, and Melissa attend the annual EBICS retreat at Calloway Gardens
Our lab is awarded an IBB seed grant in collaboration with Facundo Fernandez in Chemistry. Dr. Li Li and Sarah Seals will have internal funding to continue their amazing collaboration using the latest Bruker Rapiflex MALDI imager on campus! Here is a press release!
Kendrecus Weldon has joined the Kemp lab as our newest Project ENGAGES student and is mentored by Sarah Seals. Read here for more information on this amazing program. Our lab is proud to be participants!
Jakari Harris joins our lab as a summer REU from Hampton University. She is being co-mentored by Josh Lewis and Sarah Seals.
Linda Kippner successfully defends her Ph.D. in biomedical engineering with the thesis titled “Investigating the functional consequences of heterogeneity within immune cell populations”. Linda has served as a mentor, instructor, consultant, and lab mom for many students that have passed through the group and will be irreplacable. Congratulations, Linda!