Congrats to Siya Kannan for her poster abstract acceptance to BMES as well as a GT Presidential Undergraduate Research Travel Award to offset to costs of attendance. Siya will be representing our group in Seattle at the October meeting where she will be presenting some of the agent-based simulation work underway in the NSF Cell Manufacturing Technologies Center.
Andre’s defense
Adding to our rapid succession of graduates, Dr. Dennis Norfleet II, known as “Dre” by many, defended his Bioengineering PhD dissertation on April 18th. Andre was the last trainee in the lab to participate in the NSF Science and Technology Center EBICS, and has contributed to our computational efforts with seed funding from the Marcus Center and with the NSF Cell Manufacturing Technologies Engineering Research Center. Congratulations, Andre!
The Kemp lab is thrilled to be participating in the new NSF-sponsored Engineering Research Center on Cellular Manufacturing and Technologies (CMaT). This $20 million award brings together researchers to solve challenges in characterizing, modeling, monitoring, and distriubting materials needed to expand cell-based therapies. Melissa will be co-leader of Thrust 1, dedicated to integration of heterogeneous Omics data for identification of relevant biomarkers for critical quality attributes.